How to Quickly and Easily Reduce Screen Time

We’ve all been hearing about the ill effects of screen time on developing brains and each of us have a slightly different way of dealing with the information. Some people argue that the research isn’t in yet (there is actually quite a bit of research on this topic and most of it is quite disturbing), others are convinced that it couldn’t be nearly as harmful as the researchers purport. Some parents claim it’s their only break, and they really really need a break, and trust me, I hear you on that one. read more

How to Convert an Altoids Tin Into a Keepsake Box

My birthday was last week and as a gift, my mom invited me over to her house to turn an Altoids tin into a small keepsake box. I’ll tell you right now, this project was the most fun I’ve had all month. OK, it might be possible that I’ve been depriving myself of creative projects, which is really not good for me. In fact, in the realm of self-care, creative pursuits are pretty much at the top of my list. So here’s a window into my creative process and some pix of the sweet little box I created! I think it’s Pinterest worthy if I do say so myself. read more