Setting Intentions for the New Year

The end of 2012 is sneaking up on us, we have just two and a half weeks left of this year! I’ve been busy entering data from the year into my accounting spreadsheets and preparing for taxes. But as the year comes to an end, I think it’s only natural to look toward the coming year and set some intentions.

I don’t like to call them “New Year’s Resolutions” as that phrase brings up memories of failed attempts to make a change, over zealous lifestyle changes that last a couple of weeks, and broken promises to myself. Yuck!

Instead, I’d rather set my intentions for 2013. By setting intentions I’m not telling myself I can’t or won’t fail. I’m not making any wild pronouncements about what I will ALWAYS or NEVER do. Instead, I’m stating a desire, creating a picture of how I’d like things to go, and setting some specific goals to strive for, while giving myself love, acceptance, and grace when things don’t go as planned.

So here’s my list so far:

1)   Help Julia learn to fall asleep on her own with little help from an adult

2)   Keep track of all expenditures and get spending under control

3)   Find new ways to save money and make wise long term financial decisions

4)   Double (at least) my income from 2012

5)   Lose 13 more pounds and continue to exercise regularly

6)   Create my first Awake Parent eCourse and launch it successfully

7)   Grow my list to 10,000 subscribers

8)   Take classes just for me (voice lessons, belly dancing etc.)

9)   Swim lessons for Julia

10)  Get pregnant???

Wow, it feels so vulnerable to share all that! I think it’s worth it though, because it can be difficult to set intentions without a real life example. Here are some other intentions that some of my friends and clients have shared with me for 2013:

1)   Have special time with each of my kids every week

2)   Start a date night with my husband that we protect as sacred

3)   Double the reach of my charitable organization

4)   Find my life partner and fall in love

5)   Stop yelling at my kids

6)   Have better, more frequent sex

7)   Buy a new car with cash

8)   Refinance my mortgage

9)   Foster empathy between siblings

10)  Implement more gentle discipline

Sure, this could end up being similar to any goal setting or to do list. But here’s what will make the biggest difference between just creating a list and noticing that nothing happens, and actually accomplishing these intentions.

Turn your list of intentions into a VISION.

Now I know that visioning works, because that’s how I found my wonderful husband! Here are the rules for writing an effective vision:

1)   Everything is stated in the positive (no exceptions).

2)   It is written in present tense, as if all of this is already true.

3)   It is a narrative and when you read it you truly FEEL how you will feel when you accomplish the goals within.

4)   You MUST share your vision with at least three people.

So, your homework for this week, if you choose to accept it, is to make a simple list of intentions for 2013. And next week, I’ll share more about turning that list into a vision that will draw the results you’re wanting into your life easily and effectively.

Have a wonderful week, Shelly


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