Montessori Inspired Plant Watering Activity

Montessori Inspired Plant Watering Activity

What you’ll need:

A tray that you don’t mind getting wet

A clear pitcher already filled with a small amount of water

A hardy plant that needs a drink

A nearby towel available for spills

Here my daughter discovers the activity and gets ready to pour.


Finishing the pour. read more

Easiest DIY Playscape Ever

What you’ll need:

One Foam Board

5 sheets of 12×12 cardstock (4 green, 1 blue)

A pair of scissors

A gluestick

A papercutter helps!

Just glue the green down first covering most of the board. Cut out your lake and/or river and glue everything down.

Add some animals and you’re done!

First Sink and Float Activity

Julia’s first sink/float activity!

I simply wrote sink and float at the top of a piece of card stock, drew a line down the center and then laminated it.

Then I collected some items that sink and some that float. I poured the water into the bucket for her and she had a blast testing each item and putting them on her chart in the appropriate location.

After introducing this yesterday, she woke up and immediately wanted to do this work again. It’s a hit!

Our new favorite geography game

Here’s a video of my daughter playing the new geography gameĀ  we invented:

A few months ago I found this National Geographic world map and decided to glue it to a foam board to see if my daughter was interested in learning the continents.

Then, on our recent airplane trips we brought a small ball/globe and she started to show a real interest in geography, learning the names and locations of several countries.

When we got home we started to play a new game with the world map. We put her toy animals on theirĀ countries of origin. She loves it! read more